Acquire UDC Land Overview
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Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
- Energy Plant
- Telecoms Operation
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- Registration of Film Production
- Pharmaceutical License
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
Building and Construction
- Electricity Connections
- Water and Sewerage Connections
- Fire Brigade
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Business Support Services
Digital Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- Pharmaceutical License
- Registration of Film Production
- Fire Brigade
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Digital Access Incentives
Digital Obtain Certifications
Digital Obtain Accreditations
Digital Acquire Land
Business Support Services
Digital Business Support Services
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Aquire UDC Land
The core business objective of the UDC is to make development happen through the planning and implementation of comprehensive projects and programmes in designated areas.
Acquire UDC Land overview
Understand more about the Process...
As owners of several prime properties, the UDC will work with you as an Investor to facilitate development of its properties and can also offer technical expertise. While some properties are for outright sale by the UDC, in other cases vehicles such as Private Public Partnerships (PPP) are used as a divestment tool to ensure appropriate development.
Typically the UDC will partner with Investors in one of the two ways indicated below:
- For advertised investment properties: UDC will advertise the property with a Request for Proposal (RFP) in the print media and on its website. Investors are free to participate in the tender process. Visit the UDC’s website for more on Investment Opportunities.
- For properties not advertised i.e. unsolicited applications: Investors should register their interest in writing (letter or email) addressed to the UDC’s General Manager.
If you wish to submit an unsolicited application/expression of interest (EOI) to the UDC for a property that has not been advertised, you should first ensure that you have a project plan or concept document prepared from which to extract the information you will need to include as a part of your application.

Prepare your written Expression of Interest (EOI) and provide any Supporting Information/Documents…
For unsolicited applications, you can either submit your written request/application in person (via letter) by visiting the UDC’s Offices or register your interest electronically via email. All unsolicited applications should be addressed to the General Manager.
Your written request/application should include the following:
- The intended use;
- The particulars of the party(s) making the request; and
- A purchase offer for the land/asset.

Submit your completed Application…
- For UDC advertised proposals, your bids must be submitted in accordance with the instructions in the “Request for Proposal”.
- For unsolicited proposals, you can either submit your request/EOI in person (via letter) by visiting the UDC’s offices or register your interest electronically (via email). All applications should be addressed to “The General Manager”.
The Urban Development Corporation
12 Ocean Boulevard
Kingston Mall Kingston
Mon – Thurs: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Tel: (876) 656-8031
Fax: (876) 922-9326
Branch Offices
Montego Bay, St. James
42 Fort Street.
Telephone: (876) 656-9290
Telefax: (876) 971-7001
Ocho Rios, St. Ann
Ocean Village Shopping Centre.
Telephone: (876) 974-5015
Telefax: (876) 974-2731
Negril, Westmoreland
Norman Manley Boulevard.
Telephone: (876) 957-5260/3159
Telefax: (876) 957-9830
Falmouth, Trelawny
4 Rodney Street.
Telephone: (876) 617-0712/954-5605
Telefax: (876) 954-4960

What happens once I have made my submission?…
Once your application is received the UDC will take the following steps:
- Assess you application, to determine if (the) property can be made available.
- Conduct two (2) valuations by procuring the services of external Property Valuators.
- Conduct a public tender/bidding by advertising the property in the print media and on the UDC’s website.
- You will be required to submit a proposal in keeping with the advertisement.
- Receive and assess the tender/bid proposals, in keeping with the development plan to maximize the best and highest potential use of the property and the price.
- Make an award recommendation for approval by the parent ministry and relevant authorities.
- Prepare the Agreement for Sale/Lease.

What happens if the initial tender fails?…
If for whatever reason the initial tender fails, once notified you should resubmit your written request/EOI.
As previously stated, your written EOI should be submitted stating:
- the intended use
- the particulars of the party(s) making the request
- a purchase offer for the land
Once your re-application is received the UDC will take the following steps:
- Re-assess your application.
- Conduct two (2) new valuations by procuring the services of external Property Valuators.
- A private treaty is concluded.
- Make an award recommendation for approval from the parent ministry and relevant authorities.
- Prepare the Agreement for Sale/Lease.

Pay the relevant Processing Fees…
There is no fee associated with submitting your initial unsolicited proposal/EOI to purchase UDC lands.
Processing Time:
- Lease/Purchase - Eighteen (18) months from submission of your application.
- Private Treaty - Within ten (10) days of UDC’s Board approval.

Collect your Approved Document(s)…
Once the UDC is satisfied that everything is in order, then an Agreement is issued for your signature. You will need to visit the UDC to collect your copy of the final executed Agreement, which is now legally binding on all parties.
At the end of the process you will receive the following:
- Your executed Lease/Sale Agreement
- Private Treaty Agreement