Obtain Construction Permits
شريط البحث
مسار التنقل
Access Incentives
Close a Business
Acquire Land
Obtain Accreditations
Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
- Energy Plant
- Telecoms Operation
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- Registration of Film Production
- Pharmaceutical License
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
Building and Construction
- Electricity Connections
- Water and Sewerage Connections
- Fire Brigade
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Business Support Services
Digital Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- Pharmaceutical License
- Registration of Film Production
- Fire Brigade
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Digital Access Incentives
Digital Obtain Certifications
Digital Obtain Accreditations
Digital Acquire Land
Business Support Services
Digital Business Support Services
عرض القائمة
Obtain Construction Permits
Ensure your specific business' Licences are approved and valid.
Obtain Construction Permits Cards
Obtain Construction Permits

Secure Planning Approvals
Planning Applications are concerned with ensuring that the public health, safety and the environment are not threatened in any way.
Secure Planning Approvals
Secure Building Approvals
A Building Permit is a formal approval from your Local Planning Authority/Municipal Corporation to construct.
Secure Building Approvals
Secure Subdivision Approvals
Subdivision occurs you as an land owner decide to split an existing parcel of land into two or more segments/lots for sale.
Secure Subdivision Approvals
Secure Environmental Approvals
To promote sustainable development by ensuring protection of the environment and orderly development in Jamaica.
Secure Environmental Approvals